Wednesday 24 August 2016


OUTLANDER producer Ronald D Moore has heaped praise on Scots star Sam Heughan.
Speaking at the Edinburgh TV festival he said: "Sam's great. He takes it all in his stride. I don't think he takes himself too seriously. It's great people have such a response to him."
Ron revealed Sam and the cast will be leaving Scotland to go to the Caribbean.
He explained: "We are working on both third and fourth and seasons and third and fourth books. The third book starts in Scotland and we have a big extended story between Claire and Jamie seperately. And they will take a sea voyage across the Atlantic ending up in Jamaica and the Caribbean and eventually the New World. It'll be a whole new look for the show and a big epic adventure for season three. It'll be fun and there's always something new in the show. I like the fact that each season is different from what went before. It's a big challenge for the production but always something exciting."
Ron who says he not on set enough to have some funny stories about the production also claimed he'd love to drop some Klingons into the historical time travel series.
Asked if he'd add in anything if he were allowed free reign on the show he said: "You know it would be nice if the Klingons turned up every now and again, for sure."
Ron who wrote countless episodes of Star Trek as well as Battlestar Galactica also believes Sci fi allows writers to address contemporary issues in society without scaring viewers.
He said: "If you put these things in a science fiction context, you get a free pass, not just from networks, but from audiences as well, because you are allowing them to think about things in a way that doesn't threaten anybody. If you call them Klingons, it's different than if you call them the Soviets. In Battlestar Galactica, if they are the Cylons it's different than if you are saying it's al-Qaida."
Ronald also revealed that he is working on a Philip K Dick anthology series Electric Dreams. He said: "We are going to write some of the short stories that Dick wrote and there are over a hundred of those. Many of the short stories have not been read and some of them have never been turned into television shows. The idea is each writer will be inspired by a particular film or short story so each writer will realise a different show week after week so it will be like mini movies we are putting on every day."

Extracts of this interview were sold to the Scottish Sun.

- Posted with love from Scotland by

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