Beverley Lyons
SCOTS Voice coach Yvie Burnett reckons Gary Barlow is a perfectionist after working on his new show Let It Shine.
Aberdeen born Mezzo Soprano Yvie who has been vocal coaching contestants behind the scenes on the BBC series which starts tonight said: "I think with Gary it's very much about the emotion and words and everything and although technically he works hard he is one of these perfectionists in life, isn't he? You can tell by the way he looks. He looks great and he looks at his exercise and what he eats and his dancing and which maybe wasn't always his thing, and his singing, so I think with Gary he's looking for people who will work really hard and do their best for him.

She added: "It's been great fun working on the show. I'm really excited about it because there's something unusual with little added extras that are quite exciting and I think people will like it. It's just a really warm feel good show.
Yvie added: "There's great talent from Scotland and of course I don't give them any extra time ha ha. I've been working closely with Gary because Gary knows what he wants and he knows that I'll do whatever he needs for it cause we know each other anyway and he's just great to work with. He's proper and knows his stuff.
- Posted with love from Scotland by theShowbizLion.com