Friday 7 July 2017


CHIEF inspector Simon Jeacock, the bronze commander of TRNSMT festival encouraged revellers to get selfies with armed officers on site.

He said: "We have a significant police deployment on site and in the city centre so as people approach the venue you will see officers at the train stations, the bus stations and as you walk down towards the venue and arrive at the venue you will be greeted by a mix of G4s security and police who will be helping to make sure everyone stays safe at this event.
They are just ordinary police officers who are highly trained in a particular specialism. Go up and say hello to them. Get your picture taken with them. They are there to keep you safe and help you enjoy yourselves."
Simon said the first day of the festival was so far trouble free.
He said: "It's been great so far we've had no arrest and no problems whatsoever. People have come really early to the event which is really helpful and saves any queues.
Plan ahead, know what your travel plan is for getting here andd also for getting home at night when it's late and it's dark. Look at the weather, make sure you're dressed appropriately and come and enjoy yourself have fun. Be alert and not alarmed. If you do see anything speak to a police officer or pick up the phone. It's better to be safe than sorry."
Simon said the crowds welcomed the e tea security at the site. He added: "Everybody had been great and very appreciative of the security regime that has been put in place. I think they understand it is for everybody's safety."
Excerpts of this article have since appeared in The Daily Record, The Scottish Sun,  The Evening Times and Scotsman.
From Scotland with Love -