Friday 16 December 2016


ALL Nicholas McDonald wants for Christmas is his straight front teeth.
The former X Factor singer has had a special brace fitted to his mouth in a bid to straighten up his front teeth - and he says he's doing his best not to get food stuck in it.
Motherwell lad Nicholas, who entertained at the Sun Pop Up Christmas shop earlier this week, revealed: "For Christmas, the teeth are getting done. I'm not getting veneers. I was going to get them. Vitality Edinburgh are doing the teeth and they are getting fixed. I just don't like them. The thing I've got in is like a see through brace and I need to take them out when I'm singing and eating which is a bit disgusting. I was initially meant to get train tracks but I said no. They're meant to be sore and it gives you a wee bit of a lisp which I've got so we've played it safe with the Invisalign. You need to keep it in for twenty two hours a day.
He laughed: "I feel like I'm about to go into a boxing match a wee bit. My teeth will ready in May next year so put it in the calendar."
Nicky has had a busy run up to the festive season and host his own party on Sunday.
He said: "I've been busy. I've got my own event that comes up this Sunday at Dalziel Park and I'm playing with a band and have a Take That tribute and Eddie Reid who is hosting it. Some of the proceeds go to Yorkhill Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity and Alzheimer's Scotland. It's just been rehearsals and everything this week so it's been busy."

- Posted with love from Scotland by

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